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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

Friends of Moneynick

13th Apr 2021

Friends of Moneynick wish to thank all parents, grandparents and community members who attended their AGM on Monday night. We congratulate the committee members on their appointments.  We thank both Mr John Gribbin, Chairperson and Mr Benny Devlin, Treasurer for their continued support and excellent leadership within their roles and we welcome  Mrs Clare Maguire who has accepted the role of secretary. Unfortunately, it is with sadness that we say goodbye to our longstanding and outstanding member and secretary, Mrs Fionnuala O'Donnell. We hope she enjoys her retirement from the committee, although we are confident she will be recruited for many future events.

Friends of Moneynick have arranged a number of fundraising activities in the third term, beginning with the introduction of a Grand Monthly Draw. Details about events and fundraisers will follow later in the month.

We encourage all parents, grandparents and friends of our school to come along to our next meeting on Tuesday 25 May at 7pm.

We ask you to consider using the link below when purchasing online from many retail outlets including Amazon. All you have to do is register and then shop via the link when buying online. The retailers then donate a small percentage to Friends of Moneynick. Every little helps!

Support 'Moneynick Ps' - TheGivingMachine

Our next meeting is planned for Tuesday 25 May at 7pm, via zoom. We ask our parents, grandparents and friends of our school to come along, as every voice counts and we all have something to offer.