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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

Half Term School Closure

16th Oct 2020

Dear Parents,

The Executive has announced that schools and other education settings will have the half-term holiday break extended from 19 to 30 October 2020. 

In following direction issued from the Department of Education and the First and Deputy First Minister, this period of time is an extension of the scheduled half-term break and schools will not be open to Key workers during this time. 

We the teachers and staff in Moneynick school regret that we have to put these measures in place but for the health and safety of the wider school community we will adhere to the restrictions made.

Our hope is to return to a normal school day on Monday 2 November and we pray a safe return for all our pupils and staff.

Thank you for your cooperation and support during this difficult time.

Fiona McConway