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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

Primary 2

A school year memory page. Draw and write about your memories.

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Draw a picture or write a sentence to record your memories of this year.

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Record your memories of Lockdown 2020.

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Read and discuss the PowerPoint with your child.

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Count and complete.

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Can you spot the dangers in the kitchen?

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Complete the fire safety check with your child. 

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Discuss the important messages in the PowerPoint with your child.

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Read and discuss with your child.

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Sort the pictures into two sets.

Set one - need electricity

Set two - don't need electricity

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Discuss the message on the poster with your child.

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Primary 1-2 Can you spot the electrical dangers?

Primary 3-7 Spot the dangers and write a list.

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Can you spot the electrical dangers in the living room?

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Can you spot the electrical dangers in the bathroom?

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Read and discuss with your child.

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I love you to the moon and back Father's Day card.

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Make a card for your dad. 

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Special medals for your dad. Colour a medal and attach to a piece of ribbon.

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Why do we celebrate Father's Day?  Discuss the PowerPoint with your child.

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Make a special certificate for your grandad.

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Make a certificate for your dad.

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We love our dads to the moon and back.

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Make a special keepsake for your grandad.

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Make a keepsake for your dad.

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Online safety information and age appropriate resources for parents and children.

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This week farm safety centres around falls on the farm. 

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Write sentences using the words on the word mat.

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To consolidate water safety ask your child to answer the questions.

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Read the book with your child. Discuss the story.

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Spot the differences between the pictures.

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Read the book about sand, sea and waves. Discuss with your child what they will do when they go to the beach once again.

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Print the picture. Colour, cut and build.

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Spot the differences and discuss.

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Spot the dangers and discuss with your child.

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Discuss the PowerPoint. 

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Important online safeguarding information for pupils and parents.

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Discus the PowerPoint with your child.

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Write sentences using words from the word mat. 

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Sing the song and learn the actions. Send videos of your singing to

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Read the story about Sammy the Seagull. 

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Write sentences about the picture using high frequency words.

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Write sentences using words from the word mat.

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Make a poster to tell others about safety in the sun.

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Complete the sums.

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Count the cost of the ice-creams.

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Complete the sums.

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Design a sun hat for the summer. Add a special message.

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Learn the song Slip, Slop, Slap Wrap Song. Find the items to help you stay safe in the sun. Colour the items or draw them in your book.

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Colour or draw the items you would take to the beach.

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Print and colour the poster. If you don't have a printer ask you child to design a poster.

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Ideas to generate talking and listening with your child regarding the importance of safety in the sun.

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Write sentences about Farmer Duck using the words on the word mat.

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Discuss the pictures and retell the story of Farmer Duck.

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Write the answer.

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Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell.  
The video is attached. Print and sequence the pictures.

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Can you spot the dangers on the farm.

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Read and discuss farm safety with your child.

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An excellent presentation to help you discuss farm safety with your child.  


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Read and discuss the book with your child.

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Write sentences using the farm words.

Draw a picture.

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Online safety activities. #safeguarding

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Talk through each question with your child. 'Time to Talk' is important to help our mental health.

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Learn about the lifecycle of a bee.

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Complete the lifecycle.

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Read the fact file with your child.
Write about bees and draw a picture.

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Make a bee hive of paper plate bees.

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If you don't have a printer then follow the steps below.

Cut a headband from a piece of cardboard box e.g. Cornflakes box

Draw the pictures of the stages.

Attached with cellotape. Be careful with staples they might hurt.

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Relax and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

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Think about yourself and others today. Show them an act of kindness. Complete the activities in your journal or exercise book. Have a conversation with an adult about how you feel today. #bekindtoyourself

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This week our Sustrans Officer, Johnny has challenged pupils to complete a research task investigating local cycling and walking trails right here in NI! Pupils can use a tablet or computer to complete the worksheet. We’d encourage you to watch the video and give this a go!

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It is important to talk to each other. Complete an activity each day. Listen to your child as they complete the activities. Talk about how they are feeling.

The activities can be completed in an exercise book or you could even start a journal.

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Read the words. Arrange the words to make a sentence. Remember the capital letters and full stops.

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Complete one or many of the challenges on International Nurses' Day. #staysafe#NHS#nurses

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Read the words with your child. Draw a picture of Florence Nightingale and write 3 sentences.

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Research Florence Nightingale. Complete the fact file.

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Read the fact file. Recall 3 important facts about Florence Nightingale.

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Read and discuss with your child. 

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Make a postcard for your classmates. Send photos of your design and message to


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An excellent activity if your child has a scooter. #scootersafety

Send a photo of your scooter safety check to



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Discuss the PowerPoint with your child. Complete at least one of the activities.

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Discuss and complete the online safety activities with your child.

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Watch the virtual assembly and complete the worksheet.

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Discuss the life and times of Neil Armstrong.

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Discuss the PowerPoint with your child.

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Use the words to write basic sentences.

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Read the high frequency words. Unscramble the words to make a sentence.

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Look at the ordinal numbers 1st to 10th.

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Read the words with your child. Label the parts of the rocket.

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Discuss the colours of each planet.

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Article 7 :

Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

An excellent set of activities to consolidate the teaching of Article 7. The name jar is a lovely story recognising the importance of our name and our cultural identify whether we live in our country of birth or in another country.

The name Jar can be found on youtube.


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Discuss the PowerPoint with your child.

Research Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Knock.


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Make a picture of Mary for your May altar. 

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Make a vase of flowers for your May altar. 

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Write a special prayer to Mary. 

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Design a stained glass window with Mary as the central picture.


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Read the prayers. Teach a new prayer to your child. Pray each day at your May altar.

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Discuss the PowerPoint with your child. Pray the Hail Mary, Hail Holy Queen and The Rosary with your family.

Make a May altar.

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ThinkuKnow activities to support our children while they work online.

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Another amazing activity from our Sustrans Officer, Johnny McCrystal. #Sustrans#NHS#Staysafe

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Consolidate and explore all areas of maths through online games.

Children must always have adult supervision when working online.


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Read and discuss the PowerPoint with your child/children.

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Draw a picture of the Earth. Write 3 sentences using the words.

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Draw a picture of the Earth. Write 3 sentences using the words.

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Enjoy the beautiful weather and help Mother Earth. 

Complete the treasure hunt. Send lots of photos to


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Design a Earth mobile for your bedroom. Write 3 commitments to Mother Earth.

Send lots of photos to           

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Calling all eco-warriors. Watch the PowerPoint to find out more about Earth Day.

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Write sentences using any of the words.

Challenge your child to use two or three words in one sentence.

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Write the recipe for your tasty treat.

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Use the pictures as a visual aid to discuss the mathematical terms heavier, heaviest, lighter and lightest.

Your child can write each sentence into their exercise book.

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Use the pictures as a visual aid to reinforce the terms heavier and lighter.

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Use the pictures as a visual aid to discuss the terms heavier and lighter.

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Use the pictures as a visual aid to discuss with your child the concepts of heavier, lighter and as heavy as.

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In your exercise book design a cupcake.

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Online safety activity for children.

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Positional Language

Positional Words

Positional language are the words used to describe the position of something in relation to something else. 

Discuss the PowerPoint with your child. Hide an egg. Discuss the position of the egg when found.

The egg is under the table. The egg is between the chair and the sofa. 

Important positional words

in   on   under    opposite to     beside    next to   between   below   above   on top off   

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The Easter story in both pictures and text. Read and discuss with your child.

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Complete the activities. Shout out the answers or write into your exercise book.

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Complete the activities. Shout out the answers or write into your exercise book.

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Write sentences using the words on the word mat.

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Point to the various shapes in the pictures.
Ask your child to name the shape.
Count how many circles/squares/rectangles/triangles/ovals are in each picture?
Ask your child to find the shapes in their own environment.
Which shapes have curved sides? Which shapes have straight sides?

Important vocabulary

2D    flat   shapes   sides    corners    oval    triangle    circle    square   rectangle   curved   straight

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Throw a dice and add the numbers together.

Draw into your exercise book.

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Brenda is waiting on her egg to hatch. The other mums-to-be are boasting about how special their new chicks are going to be. Brenda is afraid her chick will not be special. 

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Read the tricky words.
Write them in a sentence.

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Read the tricky words.

Use the words to write a sentence.


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Read the story Saving Easter.  Ask you child to answer the questions.

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Can the Easter Bunny deliver the eggs on time?

An egg-cellent story to share with your little bunnies.

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Read and discuss this with your child.

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Read and discuss this with your child. 

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Print and colour.
For a more challenging activity draw around a jigsaw piece to make a creative design. Then add colour to your design.

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Read this book to your child/children and discuss how we are all different. 

The e-book is saved in a pdf format. To read open the document and scroll down.

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Explaining the Covid -19 virus to children with autism can be difficult. Please read the following advice.

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A child-friendly reward chart to support online safety at home.

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Activities to develop lifelong E-safety skills.

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Activities to develop lifelong E-safety skills.

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Excellent guidance for parents regarding online safeguarding.

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A practical, fun learning activity to support our Sustrans Rural School Award.

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With adult supervision view the videos.

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Read and discuss with your child.

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It is important that we look at the dangers of electricity. Discuss the picture and find all the hazards.

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Read and discuss with your child.

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Create this wonderful masterpiece.

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Read Switch and the Energy Savers. Draw 4 pictures of how you can help the Earth.

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Sing along to our recycling song. Make sure your parents join in!

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Write sentences using the word wall.

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Paint your own version of Vincent van Gogh's 'Sunflowers'. With a parent find out three things about him.

Learn all about Vincent at the Tate Gallery.


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Children should always have adult supervision when working online.

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Read the poem and complete the activities.

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Discuss the life cycle of a sunflower. Put the pictures in order.

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Draw a sunflower and label the parts.

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Water Safety
14th Jun 2020
Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap Day Song
7th Jun 2020
Farmer Duck Story Book
31st May 2020
Age 4-8 Farm Safety Video
31st May 2020
Postcard Challenge
11th May 2020
Egg-citing Activities
7th Apr 2020
Palm Sunday
3rd Apr 2020
Making our Mark
1st Apr 2020
We piece together to make a beautiful picture.
1st Apr 2020